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FH55 Hotels - Interview with Federico Isola, member of the FH55 Hotels Group 1
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Interview with Federico Isola, member of the FH55 Hotels Group

Federico Isola talks about his family business, FH55 Hotels, with pride and emotion for the past and enthusiasm and hopes for the future: he remembers his grandfather, who had the intuition to build Grand Hotel Mediterraneo and hopes that his children will also have the same passion and professional satisfaction.

- Dr. Isola, how did you start in the luxury hotel sector?

“I find myself in this sector thanks to the intuition of my grandfather Dino Innocenti, who built the Grand Hotel Mediterraneo, and today together with other partners we manage the group of four prestigious facilities with commitment and dedication. The passion for luxury hospitality is written in our DNA.”

- The FH55 Hotels Group currently has four facilities distributed in Florence and Rome, but what are the company’s ambitions and projects?

“We have a strong desire to expand into new destinations. We are exploring opportunities in Venice, Milan, Naples, and Catania, in order to offer a unique hospitality experience in different parts of our beloved country.”

- Is the selection of the facilities that make up the FH55 portfolio the result of a careful analysis of many factors?

“We care about the location, which we consider a crucial element, but also about the market segment we intend to satisfy, aiming for luxury. We also consider the competition, the seasonality of tourism, events and attractions in the area, and the growth prospects of the sector over time.”

- Looking to the future, has FH55 Hotels established some key objectives?

“We are determined to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. We want to grow sustainably, provide employment and development to our staff through training, build a solid reputation as a trusted destination for travelers, and adopt innovative technologies to remain competitive in the market.”

- What is the secret of the FH55 Hotels Group Team?

“Our employees and managers are the most suitable people to improve and satisfy the needs and desires of our guests. A constant commitment to excellence in hospitality is what allows us to offer authentic, high-quality experiences.”

- What is the hospitality model you want to offer?

“Our model is based on attention to detail: sophisticated design, customized service, gourmet cuisine, cutting-edge technology, and exclusive activities. We want to meet and exceed our guests’ expectations, distinguishing ourselves as a high-quality and prestigious option in the market.”

- Does Italian high hospitality still have room to grow?

“It is important to invest in professionalism, staff training, and innovation to meet travelers’ needs. These elements can open new doors and ensure a competitive advantage in the international market.”

- Since April 2023, the FH55 Hotels Group has relied on the professionalism of Claudio Catani, now Vice President of Operations. What are your entrepreneurial dreams?

“I have many entrepreneurial dreams. I want to create a hospitality icon, expand our business internationally, and receive industry awards and recognition, all by providing an unforgettable experience to our guests.”

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